Makhlouf is a professor synthetic biology, as well as a poet. He runs Trinitec, a startup that uses bacterias to stop the desertification in the south of Maroc. He shares how he comes from a western scientific world and had to learn how to work together on a local level with other cultures and knowledge to really achieve something. Makhlouf talks about how sustainability is still very white and elitist, and why real change will not come if we continue like this. An ecological revolution can not take place without a social revolution. The lecture of Makhlouf comes together with a musican and beautiful illustrations by a French Maroccon illustrator, Sonia Bouchri. After his lecture, the expert opens a dialogue with the audience.
Makhlouf Aït Mimoun decided that after receiving his high school diplome, to study Biotechnology. He researched a way to help the land around the Sahara to remain fruitful. During his studies he focused on microbes and bacteria. He manipulated those and released them on specific grounds, so that the bacterias could influence the way that dry ground takes in groundwater.
Dr. Makhlouf Aït Mimoun is created together with spoken word artist Lev Avitan.
English on request.
Makhlouf Aït Mimoun spreekt en dicht over hoe hij uit een westerse wetenschappelijke wereld komt en heeft moeten leren lokaal samenwerken en andere culturen en kennis toe te laten in zijn werk om echt iets voor elkaar te krijgen. Hij spreekt over hoe duurzaamheid nu nog erg elitair en wit is en hoe we op deze manier weinig echt veranderen. Een ecologische revolutie kan niet zonder sociale revolutie. De lezing van Makhlouf gaat vaak samen met een muzikant en prachtige illustraties van Frans-Marokkaanse kunstenares Sounia Bouchri.
Dr. Makhlouf Aït Mimoun is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met Lev Avitan.